The Ultimate Way To Start Your Mornings To Live Your Life To The Fullest.

28 Days Of Deep-Dive Breathwork Practices To Support You To...


 Move Energy, Overcome Stress, Heal Trauma & Build A Deeper Connection To Your Purpose, So YOU Can Live The Life You Were Meant To Lead.

Without having to live in a constant state of stress & overwhelm, 
feeling uncertain about the purpose of your life!

Learn how YOU can live a life filled with purpose, vitality and energy while impacting others around you in a positive way!

In This Program You Will Learn...

  • You'll learn how to release deeply rooted emotional patterns and blocks that have been keeping you stuck
  • You'll learn how to connect deeply to your life's purpose
  • You'll learn how to create lasting change and transformation in your life​
  • ​Flood your brain and body with "feel good" neurotransmitters 
  • ​​Experience a transformational emotional detox​
  • ​Tap into your body's amazing ability to heal itself
  • ​Remove your emotional triggers and free yourself from negative beliefs and patterns
  • ​Clear childhood trauma
  • ​Feel more at ease
  • ​Clear intergenerational trauma and liberate your future self, your children and your relationships from burden
  • ​Achieve deep relaxation and restful sleep
  • ​And so much MORE!
Remember, you can move energy, overcome stress, heal trauma & build a deeper connection to your purpose, so you can live the life you were meant to lead & I'll show you exactly how to do it in this program!

 Testimonials From People Just Like YOU...

"Nash is by far the most beautiful soul I've ever connected with. He is intelligent, wise, thoughtful, patience, caring, open, honest, helpful, connected and passionate at helping others rise to their full potential. I've grown and expanded who I am and who I'm becoming because I've worked with him. I can't speak highly enough of this human. My favourite line he says is "can I gently challenge you"... Yes sir you can and have.
I tell you his wife and children are so lucky to have him. But I'm super lucky I said yes to working with him. DM me if you want more information on how he can help you be your best God dam self.
Nash I love u "

- MiSarah El

"Since meeting you, Nash, my life has completely changed.
I've learnt to love myself, to put myself first, to appreciate what my body can do, and to get the best out of each day and be very grateful!
But even better than that, is to slowly teach my 3 girls to do the same.
You are amazing and I'm so very very grateful to have met you"

-Trudie Matheson

Your Next Level Includes...

  • ​You will receive LIFE-TIME ACCESS to 28  Transformational Audios that will support you to take your life to a new level. (Valued at over $2,997)
  • ​Over 9 hours of valuable content!

Total Market Value: $2,997


Contact & Billing Information

Full Name:
Phone Number:
All sales are final and there are no refunds for this service. 
*By purchasing this product you are agreeing that you are physically and mentally clear to participate in these Breathwork journeys and agree to the terms and conditions on the liability waiver found HERE.

 Need More Testimonials? Here You Go...

 It's Time To Move Energy, Overcome Stress, Heal Trauma & Build A Deeper Connection To Your Purpose, So YOU Can Live The Life You Were Meant To Lead 🔥

An Important Message From Your Instructor, Nash Mackey...

"I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint To Move Energy, Overcome Stress, Heal Trauma & Build A Deeper Connection To Your Purpose, So YOU Can Live The Life You Were Meant To Lead."

"10 years ago I had everything society told me I needed to be happy, but I still felt empty.

I was lacking purpose and fulfilment in my life.

Today I am happily living in my purpose each day as a top Transformational Coach and Leadership Mentor..."

Hey there,

My name is Nash Mackey and I don't say the above to brag, but to show you that I've been where you are my friend.

I know what it feels like to not be able to find your purpose and feel lighter and free...

And after years of dealing with that...

I figured out the SECRET that changed everything for me...

To the point that today...

✅ I have found my own deep purpose for my life and choose to live by it everyday, I also support my clients to do the same

✅ I have a beautiful wife and 3 kids

✅ I have supported thousands of clients to transform their lives, in all areas of life, from health, confidence, wealth, etc. 

I've supported many of them to turn trauma into power

And I'm inviting YOU and to learn exactly how I got here...

And more importantly, how YOU can too!

Nash Mackey

Nash is a leading Rapid Breakthrough and Performance Coach in Australia who has helped thousands of people, including pro-level athletes and other high-performing leaders in their field, to eliminate sub-conscious blocks, build resilience and design a lifestyle that increases productivity, impact and fulfilment.

Nash’s clients are typically individuals who have many other people relying on them to be at their best and they are looking for a fast and effective way to reset so they can stay on top of their responsibilities without loosing themselves, destroying their health, relationships or their momentum. They are seeking greater meaning and fulfilment in what they do.

Nash offers 1:1 coaching and group trainings to high performers around the world drawing on many learned modalities that he has certified in such as Rapid Transformation Therapy, hypnosis, intervention coaching, belief clearing, Transformational Breathwork and the Demartini Method (just to name a few). When it come to coaching, he doesn't believe one size fits all. Nash draws on the many cutting edge modalities he is certified in to create customised coaching packages to support his clients with their unique goals and needs.

Training as an army combat medic at 17 years old, Nash saw firsthand the end results of the life choices people had made as he worked in hospitals. He heard the regrets and witnessed the pain people were in because they had lived a life that other people expected of them, rather than the life they truly desired. This experience was the catalyst that inspired him to support others in making the most of life.

Overcoming addiction and depression, having a home destroyed, being on the verge of bankruptcy, and navigating his 3-month-old baby have open-heart surgery are all personal experiences that only made him stronger and more determined to empower others how to develop the beliefs, habits and skills to rise above stress and uncertainty and thrive through adversity.

Nash is the head Coach for Joel Brown’s Influential Coach program, as well as the founder of The Thoughts On Purpose Podcast and The Life Reinvention Company.

Out of all his accomplishments, Nash says his three children and his wife, Cassy, who he has been with for 15 years, are what he is most proud of.

If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes...

Everyday, I speak to amazing people who have dreams for a greater future… for better health, deeper relationships, a more fulfilling career, greater abundance, or more meaning and freedom in their everyday life.

So often, people come to me because despite these dreams, nothing they do seems to be moving them forward.

They feel they are playing at 40%...

That there is a glass wall between where they are and where they would love to be...

That they are in their own way...

They just can’t seem to get themselves to follow through consistently...

They struggle with procrastination..

They turn to easy things for immediate gratification, things such as overeating and over sleeping that's causing them to have low energy...

They are crippled by fear.

Have you found yourself in that place where, even though you know something needed to change, taking new action and making improvements felt like a constant uphill battle?

Perhaps like so many people you became exhausted from trying to force yourself to change. So you gave up.

It’s painful to watch your vision for a greater life slip further away from you everyday.

The great news is that this can all change!

It doesn’t lie in something outside of you like so many people think. That is motivation. And motivation fades away.

Each one of us have a “super power” that for most people remains untapped.

It is the thing that the super achievers throughout history and in the world today have all tapped into.

It is inspiration.

Someone who is inspired has incredible energy for life. They speak with enthusiasm, conviction and confidence.

You can see it in they way they hold their body and hear it in their words. They relentlessly put in the work that's required to progress because they are on a mission.

They are an unstoppable force and their high energy is contagious! They will make a way out of no way!

Are they superhuman?


They have just tapped into what inspires them. They are living on purpose.

Over the next 30 Days, I will be sharing a new Breathwork Journey daily that will amplify your levels of inspiration so you can generate new momentum in all areas of your life.

I have used this myself to go from being a depressed builder to now working as a Transformational Coach and Leadership Mentor, supporting thousands of people around the world to get transformational results in their life.

What's Included...

  • 28 Daily Breathwork Practices guided by Nash
  • ​Over 9 hours of value!
  •  This Training is For YOU if...
  •  If YOU wake up feeling stressed, overwhelmed & uncertain of what you're purpose in life is & you know you have this fire & drive inside of you, that wants to make a real difference & impact on the world!
  • ​​If YOU want to transform any past trauma into your super power, so it no longer holds you back, but propels you into your dreams!
  • ​If YOU want to connect deeply with your life's purpose & release anything that's been blocking you from all of the great things you want to experience & you're ready to find the answers you've been looking for that will teach you how to do just that 
  • ​Plus, so much more!
  • This Training is NOT For YOU if...
  • If YOU are comfortable with where you are in life & you don't want to push yourself.
  • ​​If you don't like to roll your sleeves up & do the actual work.
  • ​If you have no interest in making an impact in this world...

If you're ready to take things to the next level & learn how you can live a life filled with purpose, vitality & energy while impacting others around you in a positive way, then click the button below and buy now...

Here's What You Get When You Take Action Today...

  • You will receive LIFE-TIME ACCESS to 28 Daily deep-dive Breathwork practices to support you to release blocks that have been keeping you at the same level, so you can experience what you truly desire in your life.  ($2,997 Value)
  • ​Over 9 hours of valuable content!

Total Market Value: $2,997



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